Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles: Senator Bill Nelson Writes Back.

The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles: Senator Bill Nelson Writes Back.

© 2009 Albert A Rasch and
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Albert Rasch Announces a Run for the US Senate
(Just kidding... Really.)

As I mentioned in my post Right to Carry in your Hands, I wrote my Senators about the issue and how I expected them to vote.
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Senator Mel Martinez came through and voted affirmatively on Senate Bill 1618. Bill Nelson on the other hand refused to help protect law abiding citizens from the ravages of criminals, murderers, rapists, and sociopaths.

He wrote me a note explaining his position, without actually telling me why he was against the Right of Americans to defend themselves from predators that prey on the elderly, children, and those unable to physically defend themselves!

He starts with, "Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about gun control. I support the constitutional right to bear arms. I grew up on a ranch in the Florida countryside and have been a hunter since I was a boy."

Well that's good news! I am glad to hear that.

But then he starts to dissemble, "I also support efforts to reduce gun violence and promote firearms safety. We should close the gun show loophole and take other steps to ensure that felons are not allowed to buy firearms. Running background checks on prospective gun purchasers is a practical way to ensure that guns do not fall into the wrong hands without unreasonably burdening citizens' 2nd amendment rights."

Bullshit meter pegs full right on high!!!

Gun Show loophole? What the devil are you talking about? Hasn't that been beaten into the ground and proven a red herring?

So what is it Bill? Are you voting for the Right of American Citizens to protect the lives and property of their loved ones and fellow Americans?

I got my answer yesterday.


Bill Nelson has no interest in allowing responsible, law abiding, productive members of society to defend themselves and their loved ones regardless of where they are. He would much rather pander to the extremists of the Democratic party than allow Americans to defend Americans.

I now hereby announce that I will do everything in my power to bring about the removal of Senator Bill Nelson from the halls of the Senate.
  • I will promote any opponent that meets my criteria of being a defender of the American People.
  • I will donate to the political campaign of those that oppose him during his next political campaign.
  • I will dedicate my meager resources to remove his name from the rolls of the Senate.
And everyone knows I put my heart and soul into everything I do.

He can go back to his childhood ranch and contemplate why he would choose to support criminals against his fellow American.

Albert A Rasch

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